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Friends & Wet Noses


Updated: Aug 23, 2023

Its a beautiful day. I'd love to bury myself in the studio but the website absorbs my time right now and I've started journaling here to get a sense of an alternative online life. Hard for a bit of a shy soul as I can be.

This is so new to me because I am by nature inclined to be reflective and spend a lot of time on my own in fact studio life demands this. Other than my daily pals you see above I do have a wonderful circle of friends outside of my family life.

Bailey the Springer Spaniel and Kali are rescue dogs, I rescued them together as they were pals. They were found tied to a park fence in California and the video above was made a few days after they arrived at my home. they looked so wounded still. Now they are certain of the love they receive and are well taken care of. They are constants in my daily studio life and life in general. I feel perfectly comfortable with them in the studio when I work.

In life friends come and go, some stay, in fact, I've had friends for over 40 years, there are those I thought I could not live without yet no longer see and Im left grateful for the time I have spent with them and then there are others others who visit a while and then pass by for whatever great or not so great reason. Art has been my best friend as far back as I can remember. time in the studio is like the friend I've had for 40 years, its always open, always there to listen to my worries, always there for me to create and be who I am. I think we all need this in life and should be part of an educational curriculum. As Virginia Wolf says, we all need a room of ones own, my room is my studio.

Years have taught me that no matter where I am I need a private place to create, So far I have been fortunate to always manage a small space to call a studio...the one I have now is not a glamorous space but its mine, a place to dream and create, a place to reflect and respond and feel safe in. I love it. I have also always noticed that the energy in my studio is so different to the atmosphere in the rest of the house, there is a sense of peace in there always and what is interesting is when I paint I become very calm and by the time I leave the studio I have rid myself of life quirks and questions and I leave so much lighter.

I can create great or small and I can run free and have mental adventures on canvas. One of the friends I considered a precious friend looked down her nose at me one day and said...."oh you do representational work ...sigh its just what you do" she said this to me straight faced and dispassionately and I would say this is why that one friend whom I thought I could not bare to be without is no longer in my life. As an artist this experience is mine and I want to have it as true as I can, and I want to do with it as I wish.....and no one has the right to break my dreams......


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